No Hairs Ark Chinese Crested Rescue

No Hairs Ark is proudly Australia's only breed specific Chinese Crested rescue. We began by fostering during 2013 and 2014, before officially starting No Hairs Ark in 2015 by becoming a registered charity - this means donations over $2 to our organisation are tax deductible. Donations and proceeds from adoption fees go toward our veterinary account and day to day runnings of a rescue food, bedding, training and rehabilitation.

In our short time, we have placed over 100 animals in care. It's been a wild journey, but we love what we do.

Our ethos is to remain a small rescue, to be able to give individual one on one time with our charges, to be ethical in our rehabilitation and positive in our training methods, yet remain practical surrounding quality of life.

Our main concern is the welfare of our rescues and rehoming them in the most suitable homes we can find.

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